Wednesday 16 July 2014

Ningaloo Reef to Broome

Hi All

We are now in beautiful Broome, having spent a number of weeks in some spectacular National Parks in WA.  We had hoped that by the time we reached Ningaloo Reef the water would be warmer and sun shining, but we were greeted by 3 meter swell on the outer reef and rain, rain, rain!!  It didn’t dampen the beauty of the reef though and the water itself was warm.  Snorkelling at Turquoise Bay was spectacular and we were lucky enough to see a white tipped reef shark (fortunately it was perched under a ledge rather than coming for us!!), a turtle, and most of the colourful fish who starred in “Nemo”!  I did realise I was a bit rusty at snorkelling when at first I went out with Rosie and as I bobbed my head up to check she was ok, she told me  “Mum, you need to go out further if you want to see the reef”!.  Snorkelling advice from a 7 year old….hmm….clearly I needed more practice which we did get during our time there!!  Megan has become very good at snorkelling although I’m surprised she can see anything as she just keeps her head down even when her mask is completely fogged up!  She is such a happy little thing it doesn’t seem to phase her!

After a week at Cape Range National Park at Ningaloo, we then headed onto Karajini National Park via Tom Price and enjoyed some fantastic walks along the gorges to stunning (but freezing) swimming holes.  Our favourites were Hammersley Gorge with its amazing rock formations and Fern Pool, which, whilst the rest of the family thought was refreshing after a long walk, I still maintain it was freezing!  We enjoyed a week in Karijini, meeting up with some other families we’ve met on the way, so the kids had a ball, having friends to play with!  We have now slowly made our way to Broome, stopping at a couple of cattle stations on the way.

We are all enjoying Broome and having a bit of civilisation!  Just having a shower every day is a treat, not having to watch how much water we have left in the tanks!  

Today, we went for a camel ride along Cable beach - it was great fun and a great way to see Cable beach from a higher vantage point!  Last night we went to watch the “Staircase to the Moon”.  For 3 nights a month when the full moon rises over the exposed mudflats at low tide, it gives the illusion of a staircase leading to the moon….it was just amazing.  We’ve also learnt about the pearling industry here which is fascinating. 

We’ll stay here a while longer and then slowly make our way to Darwin.  Again we are looking forward to spending time in some of the national parks, in particular Kakadu and Lichfield.  Will keep you posted!

Take care

Beautiful start of Ningaloo Reef

Blustery day at Ningaloo Reef !

Walk along Yardie Creek, Cape Range, Ningaloo

Picnic time at Hammersley Gorge Karijini NP

Weano Gorge, Karijini National park

Walking through Dales Gorge to Fern Pool

Steve and Rosie at Fern Pool (chilly!)

Staircase to the Moon - Broome

Camel ride at Cable Beach, Broome - great fun!