Monday 11 August 2014

Broome to Darwin

Hi All

Hope you are keeping well!

So, when did we last chat….ahhh, beautiful Broome!  Yes, we really enjoyed beautiful Broome, in particular we’ll remember it for mango smoothies and fish and chips on the beach!

The journey from Broome has been very interesting…. Often miles and miles of barren landscape and then just when you least expect it, the scenery changes to beautiful red gorges against a backdrop of green trees and scrub, dotted with the bizarrely beautiful boab trees!

We have now crossed into the Northern Territory and have had some real highlights over the past few weeks. One in particular was spending time at the Bungle Bungle National park, with its “bee-hive” shaped domes.  We were very lucky as the grader had been in a couple of days before (I’d like to think its our influence in the area but suspect it was just luck!!).  Anyway, it meant the road in was relatively smooth….best its ever been in fact since the park opened!  I think Rosie must have missed that bit of info as it didn’t stop her being sick in the car on the way in!  The windy roads were just too much for her!  Luckily as we’d had a super early start, it was pre-breakfast vomit!!  Anyway, enough of that.  The day itself was fantastic and we really enjoyed walking though the gorges and domes….they really are so unusual.  There was one particular gorge there, Cathedral Gorge (as its name suggests, shaped like a Cathedral) and we were treated to someone singing there.  It was magical.  The next day we took an early morning helicopter flight over the Bungle Bungles and for Megan, the location could have been anywhere…she was just thrilled that the helicopter didn’t have any doors on it!! 

We’ve also really enjoyed some of the gorges along the way, in particular, Winjana Gorge which was the first time the girls saw fresh water crocodiles on the banks of the river!  That was very exciting for them and now, having seen quite a few, they sound like old locals saying….”that croc is only a freshie” ….as if to say, that’s OK, its not a saltwater croc!!

Tunnel Creek was also a great day out, a cave that runs for a kilometre, then leads to a spectacular lush green opening and swimming hole. The girls particularly enjoyed scrambling over rocks to get into the tunnel and then wading through knee high deep water with the head torches on!

We also had a lovely relaxing day at El Questro (sadly not the super posh part) but a day out there all the same!  Another early start and a soak in the hot water at Zebedee Springs before a picnic lunch at the El Questro Homestead and then a walk to Emma Gorge and a dip in chilly water there.  It was a long but fun day!

We have just arrived in Darwin today having spent a lovely week in remote Edith Falls and Lichfield Park (more of that in the next blog!).  The girls have been so excited about reaching Darwin....when I asked Rosie why, I thought she would say something about the wildlife or scenery, but no….she had been reading a Kmart catalogue and realised there was a Kmart in Darwin!!  They have run out of Loom Bands and need to restock!!  We have a Loom Band sheltered workshop going on in the back of the car…..I won’t be sad when we move on from this phase….but it keeps them happy!!! 

Till next time!


Bungle Bungle National Park

More Bungles!

Cathedral Gorge, Bungle Bungles

Echidna Chasm, Bungle Bungles

Up, up and away....flight over the Bungles

You get it....I LOVED the Bungles!

Tunnel Creek, WA

Tunnel Creek

and at the end of Tunnel Creek is this beautiful swimming hole!

Winjana Gorge, WA

Its only a freshie!!

Girls and friends at Zebedee Hot Springs, El Questro...ooooh lovely!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Auntie Margaret, looks like you're having tons of fun! I love the photos, Rosie and Megan look so grown up! Please could you cc me into your emails so that I can follow what you're up to? ( Thanks! Hope to speak to you soon, all my love xxx
