Saturday 10 January 2015

The final leg of our journey....

Dear All

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and hope that 2015 is a fantastic year for you all.

We’ve had a great few weeks, enjoying time catching up with Steve’s sister Jane and family – kids having a ball playing with their cousins!  We spent Christmas in the housesit near Nerang which was really lovely – great swimming pool and wonderful animals that we fell in love with.  2 gorgeous British bulldogs, 4 very friendly cows, ducks and chooks!  Could get used to the country life!  The housesit came to an end earlier than expected as the owners who were camping, got rained out!  That worked out well however, as we were able to catch up with our good friend Raewyn who we’ve not seen for a couple of years so it was a bonus to be able to see her whilst she is doing a housesit just south of Armidale.  We had a lovely day out to Oxley River National Park with some beautiful waterfalls and walks, delicious picnic and wonderful company!

We are now at Muswellbrook, NSW and have been able to catch up with other friends we met on the road, in SA so its been great to have a few days here.  We’ve had a shopping day to prepare for the return to school and both girls are very excited to be going to school soon.  Actually that’s not 100% true….Meggie is very excited to be starting big school but Rosie is just keen to see all her friends again! 

And so we come to the end of our magical year.  When we left, it really felt like the year would last forever and we’ve had a wonderful journey together as a family.  Much laughter, some tears and heaps of wonderful memories!!  We are sad the trip is coming to an end but with such great friends and family in Sydney, we really are excited to be coming home and seeing everyone again.  Just such a shame our family and friends in the UK and America aren’t closer so we could see them too!

So, this will be the last installment of the 2014 McCookie travels!....its not quite over yet…we are really looking forward to catching up with Sal in Tilba and will then head back to Sydney.

Looking forward to seeing you back in Sydney real soon!

Take care

Christmas at Clagiraba, near Nerang QLD

Christmas day in the pool!

Gals with Brutus and Jazz!

Collecting the chook eggs....yummy!

Feeding the cows

Gals with Toy Boy at Raewyn's place
Oxley River National Park near Waucha, NSW

Shoe shopping time!!

Sunrise at Muswellbrook, this morning!

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